I found this image on www.booooooom.com, i really like the combination of illustration and mixed media used on this piece. I would quite like to incorporate this new method into my own work. It looks really pretty and brought to life with the 3d effect given in the mixed media.
This reminds me of the idea i have for a huge poster/wallpaper of to do lists and illustrations. The poster captures the qualities i wanted to have on the wallpaper of different fonts and pattern, it all being the same thing w
ithout it being boring. I found this image on www.ffffound.com.
An overall idea i have is to include pattern linked with thought into what ever
possible outcome i have, whether digital or craft based. This image reminds me of a huge thought bubble full of pattern possible representing confusion? I got this image from www.yunmee.com

This is another image i found on www.ffffound.com i really like how this image has being developed, i feel tis effect would look really good in a print method. I like how the image and type work well together to create the final image. I would quite like to incorporate type being the mage in my work at some point.
What i like about this image is the individual patterns are so simple yet working as a whole really bring it to life and the warm colours really make me what to be apart of it and have it. I like everything about this image, although the animal on the top is a bit strange. As most of my work seems to be developing into illustration i would really like to take the effects this designer has put into this pattern work into my own, simple yet complicated and so warm and inviting :)