Our secondary research started with looking at history of the logo and the college, we found a book in the college called "Past into Present" by Rebecca Lowe. The principle also provided us with a special copy of the college book all about the College mosaic, how it was founded, architecture and history into the college. The Principle also
informed us of a few other small pieces of interest as to how the mosaic logo was designed. Surprisingly the logo was deigned by a graphic design teacher over a weekend in 1992. The principle wanted to establish a link between our histor
y whilst trying to rebuild the college academically. The principle feels that the logo was appropriate to the time it was produced, but is possible not fitting now. We also researched into other institutions that have changed their logo and their success and weakness found along the way. The principle also provided us with a few more recent example in his feedback to us.
I found the feedback from the principle most interesting, he extended the answers he gave us, which we were able to use for extra research when backing us our problem, he also welcomed the idea of a student designing a new logo for the colleg
e, which was also our solution to the problem. I also found useful the quantitative research as you could show easier through graphical imagery our results, creating a larger impact. However it was quite hard to write questions which were not leading. Next time if i were to do this in future, i think more time needed to be spend in making sure the questions were written appropriately as this was a weakness to our questionnaire. To overcome this problem, i will make sure it is checked by someone other than myself. It was hard to find Secondary quantitative research, i think however this is depended on the topic we were researching into. Next time, to find out this data if appropriate we could look at weather anyone h
as done this before and see what results they got from their research. This would have been really useful to have and interesting to compare the different years from one another. The method which proved most difficult would be qualitative primary research, it was hard to make sure people were giving an honest opinion rather than what they felt they should say, to stay loyal to the college. If things were to be done differently next time, firstly i would research into previous groups and years researching the same problem as us, secondly i would like to spend longer as a group putting the results together to present them, third
ly i would research out of college ground, get people who don't know the college's opinion's, fourth i would try and make our solution into a real competition, so we could actually try and have new ideas for a new logo and finally i would present all the information and more to the principle to present to the gouvenors to change the logo of the college to make a difference.

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